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Download the book: "The party, a revolution in the Revolution"

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Cubadebate and the Site Fidel Soldado de las Ideas invites its readers to download for free this book from 2003, published by Editora Política, where the ideas of the Commander-in-Chief in relation to the Communist Party of Cuba between 1960 and 2001.

Excerpt from the book:

“The United Revolutionary Party was, in the first place, a necessity. Why was it a necessity? In the first place, you cannot make a Revolution — above all, you cannot carry out a Revolution — without a strong and disciplined revolutionary organization.

“This need becomes more and more evident as the revolutionary process advances, as the revolutionary process enters through channels, by rules, and faces increasingly difficult tasks [...] How were they represented? the revolutionary forces? What were the revolutionary forces, the revolutionary social forces? The working class, the peasants, the students, and more or less broad layers of the petty bourgeoisie. This was what could be called revolutionary forces, whose interests were opposed to the interests of the big bourgeoisie. In the first place, to the interests of imperialism and the great financial, commercial and industrial bourgeoisie. Small owners, small merchants, all that layer of the petty bourgeoisie, intellectual sectors, student sectors, peasant sectors and workers sectors. Those were the forces, the revolutionary classes.

“What organizations did these forces represent? The working class, the most advanced, most developed elements of the working class, industrial workers and agricultural workers. What was the political organization that this class represented? —And not the entire class—, because within these classes there were sectors that had a petty-bourgeois mentality, especially sectors with higher incomes, and, of course, the petty bourgeoisie was against Batista, it cannot be denied. "

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