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In 1981 a tour was carried out by a commission of the provincial UJC and, on reviewing, they proposed to build a camping site which arises in this same year. Its operation began with a tent and a staff of 11 workers who offered service on week-ends. Up to a thousand people were received. The campers were given unprocessed food for preparation in rustic kitchens that existed at that stage. There were also different species of timber and fruit trees in the garden, such as: cedar, mahogany, “majagua,” among others. Lemons, oranges, guavas, star apples, grapes, etc. were counted among the fruit trees.

 The facility currently has a total area of ??113 633.68 square meters, the used area is 2370.37 square meters, the construction area is 720.10 square meters, and there is a free area of ??111 63.31 square meters.

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The facility was inaugurated on August 16th, 1981, as a tribute to the birthday of our Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro Ruz. In 1989 the construction of masonry and tile cabins begins and it has continued until today.

 Origin of the name: The name of the beach is taken from “La Altura” farm, which occupied a wide area of ??land and belonged to the pseudo-republican president Carlos Prio Socarras. About 4Km before reaching the facility, there is a small elevation with buildings that is called “La Altura”.

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san pedro        san pedro 1

San Pedro Camping Site belongs to the Popular Camping Enterprise, Artemisa province. It is located in San Pedro Beach, Pablo de la Torriente Brau Community, Bahíahonda municipality, Artemisa province. It limits to the north with the coast, to the south with a private farm plantations, to the east with the Villa MININT, and to the west with the vegetation of weeds and mangroves.

The installation adopted the same name that it had before the triumph of the Revolution. It was called “Potrero San Pedro", whose last domain was registered in favor of the Orozco Sugar Company, which acquired it by means of a purchase and sale deed.

In the year 1959 the farm, where the facility is built, passes into the hands of the Cuban state through forced expropriation. Then these lands were administered by the Agrarian Reform Institute, until sometime later when the aforementioned camping site began to be built. Then it passes into the hands of the Young Communist Union. The installation was founded in 1981 with the aim of developing and promoting the enjoyment and recreation of our revolutionary and hard-working people. At the beginning, these were wooden, guano (palm leaves) and cement floor constructions.

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   “   HAY  POCOS PLACERES  MAYORES QUE EL QUE LA NATURALEZA PUEDE BRINDAR AL HOMBRE.   Precisamente con motivo de estas ideas, y sobre todo inspirado en la en la experiencia de los centros de pioneros exploradores, surgió la idea de llevar esto un poco más arriba, a los jóvenes y los adultos.”                                         

     Palabras expresadas por  nuestro Comandante FIDEL CASTRO RUZ,  el día 19 de julio de 1981.


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It is located in Caimito municipality in our province. It has an extension of 39895.66 square meters and it is made up of 40 cabins, but only 26 are available for the enjoyment of the population with capacity for the accommodation of 104 people; and the remaining 14 cabins are proposed for investments. In addition, this facility has a desk and a restaurant distributed in a kitchen, a dining hall and a cafeteria. We also have a kiosk (CUC currency), two barbecues, a sickbay, a sentry box, a dance floor, a game room, a video room, a bath area made up of a freshwater dam and a waterfall (Copey). There is also an audio booth and different against-fire points located in some parts of the yard.

 The environment of our facility is covered by a lot of vegetation, timber and fruit forests. The climate is characterized for having a rainy period from March to July.

 The construction features are masonry walls, plate roof, tile floor, and aluminum windows. Our objective is to give an overview of the characteristics and location of the facility, as well as the services and attention provided to customers in all aspects; in addition to the perspectives for the coming years.     

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