
Identity, history, personalities

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Pancho Amat

Leonel Francisco Amat (Güira de Melena, Havana, April 1950), known as Pancho Amat, is a Cuban guitarist and three-player. He has raised the three as a concert instrument through the linking of concepts of classical music, jazz and troubadour airs.

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Eduardo Félix Abela Villarreal (San Antonio de losBaños, July 3rd, 1889 - Havana, November 9th, 1965) was a Cuban artist and painter. 

Although his first job was cigar maker, he manifested a great attraction for the plastic arts at the age of twenty, so in 1912 he moved to Havana and entered the San Alejandro National Academy of Fine Arts. He also trained at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris, France. He was a founding member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) and the Free Study of Painting and Sculpture in Havana, where he was also director, and participated as a jury in the VIII National Salon of Painting and Sculpture.

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 Maria teresa

First steps

At a very young age she began to be known in the bohemian and trova settings (places where typical new Cuban songs were sung). She began singing in 1911 and singer Manuel Corona advised her to learn to play the guitar. María Teresa formed a legendary duo with Rafael Zequeira and, between 1914 and 1924; they recorded almost 200 songs, many of which were immediately popular, such as A llorar a Papá Montero. She also sang in the Carlos Godínez Typical Group

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In our lands, essential scientists as great as Tranquilino Sandalio de Noda and Álvaro Reynoso saw the light; revolutionaries, such as Carlos Baliño, Rubén Martínez Villena and Ciro Redondo; and figures of the artistic dimension of Eduardo Abela, René de la Nuez, María Teresa Vera, Enrique Jorrín, Silvio Rodríguez, Pancho Amat,  Polo Montañez, Luis Marquetti and Gilma Madera.

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