
Identity, history, personalities

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Mon. Contest that begins on February 24th, 1895, took place in Río Hondo, on the Havana Royal Road, Vueltabajoway in the San Cristobal municipality, at 22 ° 43 '27 North latitude and 83 ° 00 '43 West longitude, Artemisa province. Local monument category. Type: historic site. The confrontation was attended by a large group of residents from the area, people of ??deep-rooted national spirit, who joined the “Mambí” army. During the Campaign of the West, the territory was the scene of the actions, camps and routes used by Antonio Maceo and his “Mambisa” forces; during these days he shared his life withthe inhabitants of the zone, made visits and attended public activities. The date February 7th, 1896 and the place Río Hondo mark a milestone in the struggles for independence. Resolution 013 dated 12/18/13.

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Mon. It is located on the road to Punta Brava, Santa Fe, Bauta municipality, at 23 ° 03 '45”North latitude and 82 ° 31' 01" West longitude.Artemisa province.Local Monument. Type: Historic site. The first references of this site date from 1833. Property of the Marquis Duquesne who dedicated his land to the cultivation of coffee by naming it Las Delicias coffee plantation. Later this place is sold to the Spanish Francisco García, who buys other land, adjacent to the coffee plantation and decides to call it Taoro: this name responds to the merger of the first syllables of two properties of the new landowner: Tacoronto and Oropalma. With the extension of the land, he abandons the cultivation of coffee to devote himself to the cultivation of sugar cane. Several were the owners of this sugar mill  until the triumph of the Revolution. Resolution No. 035/81.

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Mon. It is located in Bahía Honda municipality, at 22 ° 23 '00 "North latitude and 83 ° 22' 38" West longitude, Artemisa province.Local monument category. Type: Natural and archaeological site. It is part of a “mogote” (small mountain with flat top), with wide and varied vegetation. This site belongs to the Paso Real formation. It is formed by limestone and mesozoic stones that have a great variety of colors and often contains fossil remains of marine organisms. The soils are calcareous.A great variety of timber trees stands out in the vegetation. Its fauna is that of the caves. The farmers of the place took may tons of bat “guano” (bat excrement) from this cave to use as fertilizer in their plantations, hence its name. Resolution No. 63, date: 09/28/1989.

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Mon. It is one of the largest cave systems in Cuba, it is located on the southern flank of the Sierra del Rosario, in a place known as Rancho Mundito, in the San Cristobal municipality, at 22º 44'13 North latitude and 83º 14 '20 West longitude, Artemisa province., Local monument category. Type: Natural and archaeological site. It is characterized by presenting a relief of complexly flawed and folded low-lying mountains, where erosive and karst denudative processes have joined to form a relief and hydrogeology markedly influenced by geological characteristics. It has very pure and well stratified Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones, as well as the presence in a large part of the cave of a complex network of rivers. The soils are characterized by being karst, with the presence of a semi-deciduous forest. The existing fauna is that of a cavern. Resolution No. 64, date: 09/28/1989.

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Museum house in San Antonio de los Baños, Former house of the Marquises of Campo Florido, (Museum of Humor). Mon. The only one of its kind in our country and constitutes an emblematic institution ofArtemisa. It is located at 4116, 60th Street on the corner with 45th Street. San Antonio de los Baños municipality, at 22 ° 53 '16 "North latitude and 82 ° 30' 14" West longitude.Artemisa province. Local Monument category. Type: Domestic construction. It is a neoclassic building dating back to 1830. It was ordered to be built by the Marquis of Campo Florido, who took it as a rest house. During the republican stage it was the headquarters of important publications that had a marked humorous character. In this building, the first joint exhibition that includes the history of graphic humor in Cuba took place, where the protagonists were Eduardo Abela and Manuel Alfonso. After several owners, in the 60s of the 20th century the house is vacated and it is not until March 17th, 1979 that it reopens its doors with the celebration of the Biennial of Graphic Humor. It is declared a local monument for its historical and architectural values. Resolution 024 dated 12/31/1981.

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