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Download the book "Reading, that mystery", by Enrique Pérez Díaz

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Editorial Cubaliteraria 580x204

La propuesta del Espacio Virtual del Libro en Cubadebate llega de las manos del escritor Enrique Pérez Díaz, gracias a la editorial Cubaliteraria.

Is reading a phenomenon in itself or part of a much richer and more transcendent cultural and social fact than the act of reading itself? Is the book just a salable and affordable commodity or perhaps an idea detonator that could even move a social praxis? With a look from the telluric XXI century, Reading, that mystery, proposes an approach to a world where writing, publishing and children's books converge, from the perspective, experience and uncomplacent vision of an author-editor of children's works.

la lectura ese misterio

Cubaliteraria-Cuban Observatory of Book and Reading, 2020
Edition: Jesús David Curbelo
Correction: Marian Garrido Cordoví
Programming: Rubiel G. Labarta
Cover design: Carlos Enrique Sutil
  • Download the book Reading, that mystery, by Enrique Pérez Díaz
    (PDF 591 KB)



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