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For many Bertolt Brecht (Augsburg, 1898 - East Berlin, 1956) is the revolutionary artist par excellence. Combining experimentation with commitment, Brecht fulfills the historical aspiration of making a transformative art that is not "a mirror to reflect reality, but a hammer to shape it."

Brecht dedicated himself to fostering a critical attitude in the viewer through distancing and interruption, with an eye on everyday life and with the perspective of those below. This Marxist playwright and poet set out to train militants and not merely portray them, understanding that whoever fights is a complex being, with petites, flaws, and sometimes with a hoarse voice in the words of the Brecht himself ... the militant as a process.

Sharing the educational vocation, we are proud to present this selection of poetry, short stories and fragments of the great Brecht prepared by Paco Ignacio Taibo II for a School of Pictures program.

Some of his comments and reflections appear at the bottom of the page. This booklet is a collaboration with Utopix, a community of collaborative work for the production and dissemination of anti-capitalist visual discourses - to whom we owe the conception and artistic realization of the project - and the Brigade Para Leer en Libertad.

Download Brecht's Hammer (PDF 1.54 Mb)

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