
Identity, history, personalities

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Artemisa Province has numerous sports facilities, among them we have the “26 de Julio Stadium”(Headquarters of the baseball team "Artemisa Hunters”) next to the stadium we have the complex of field tennis courts, a sport practiced with great tradition among the “artemiseños”. 

In addition, our province has national facilities located in our geography; such as the "José Smith Comas" Rowing and Canoeing Course, located in Caimito municipality. This territory is also home to the “Coco Mar” cartogram, located on “El Salado Beach”, Caimito municipality. Football has “Grandes Alamedas” pitch, which stands out for its perfect green hue and well-kept   lawn.

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The medals the academy athletes achieve do not fall from sky; they are the result of the effort of coaches and athletes, who spend most of the year awayfrom home. The distance separates them from their loved ones, but the school unites their entire group even more, and makes them a great family.

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Goal Factory: 

Amid the excitement of the World Cup in Russia, a group of boys train –in the minor categories- for the national finals of the most universal of the sports. 

They have put up their headquarters in the best possible place. The Provincial Football Academy has the best possible conditions required for a preparation; they are also quite close to “La Bombonera”, leading stadium of this sport in Artemisa.

Founded in 1990 -thanks to the support of FIFA- and located on the outskirts of San Cristóbal; one of the squares with the longest tradition in Cuban football. It was the main architect of the great triumphs of Pinar del Río football of yesteryear; and the incipient results of Artemisa, as the national subtitle sub 23 last year. 


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