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A meeting is held concerning the workers of the Stomatological Clinic, the Basic Health Group of Medical Office # 17, and the Provincial Health Promotion Team in Candelaria with the aim of evaluating compliance with hygienic sanitary regulations on patient care, and the use of individual means of protection.

Visits to health institutions in the municipality were carried out.


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The regionalization of services is a process of organization of the health network at territorial or local level in Artemisa; through the decentralization of determined geographical areas; as well as the concentration of health actions under a single command and the same program; in order to provide complete accessibility and full coverage to the community; to obtain from them their essential participation.

The objective of the dental care program in Artemisa; is to establish the procedure of direction and control from the Provincial Section of Stomatology; that allows the appropriate development of the medical care processes; as well as the different services that are provided on an outpatient and direct basis to the population in the different health institutions of the Province.

The Dental Clinics of Artemisa province (from the point of view of the economic organization, correspond to cost centers), have budgets assigned for the performance and fulfillment of their objectives.

For their control and management, all economic and financial operations are recorded in detail, by elements of expenses and income; as well as other non-economic statistical indicators.

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