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Planning of affectations for the month of February.

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Taking into account the situation of the National Electroenergetic System (SEN), we publish below the affectation planning for the month of February, which will be carried out only if necessary.

272954952 4902818346446398 41359304477695716 n

272554404 4902818789779687 7981114101417800188 n

272586839 4902818449779721 7787054081013651632 n

272832518 4902818883113011 4624049797931993394 n

272954961 4902818526446380 4136280392793277298 n

273011665 4902818683113031 431026400257842926 n

273452740 4902818586446374 2557620760383279901 n

Artemisa Electric Company

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