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They present calls for the Uneac Creation Awards and Scholarships in 2022.

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BANNER Premios y Becas UNEAC 580x214

The Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba announces for this 2022 more than a hundred Creation Awards and Scholarships throughout the country aimed at stimulating artistic and literary production and contributing to the dissemination of the intellectual and aesthetic values of the national culture , objectives enshrined in the Statutes of the organization.

This was revealed during a press conference that took place in the Villena room of the UNEAC, in which its first vice president, the musicologist and phonographic producer Marta Bonet de la Cruz, presented the set of actions aimed at promoting creation and recognizing its most outstanding exponents.

In this way, the organization endorses one of its founding principles and confirms its commitment to the development of the cultural policy of the Revolution at times like these, characterized by the economic tensions derived from a prolonged pandemic and the effects of the resurgence of imperial hostility. against Cuba.

Most of the awards convened for this year have a national scope and others correspond to provincial instances. The creation and research scholarships will finance projects in the most diverse fields of artistic and intellectual production.

It should be remembered that the UNEAC, in its more than 60 years, has a solidly grounded tradition in these calls. The Uneac Literature Awards are among the oldest in the country since their establishment in 1965. The David Contest, which debuted in 1967 and honors the memory of the unforgettable Frank País with its name, is a pioneer in the promotional work of young talents .

The five associations (Writers, Plastic Artists, Musicians, Scenic Artists and Film, Radio and TV Artists), the fourteen Provincial Committees and the Municipal Committee of the Isle of Youth have articulated a system of awards and scholarships that includes all artistic and literary manifestations.

Dozens of writers, visual artists, filmmakers, composers, performers, stage directors, playwrights, choreographers, actors, critics, researchers and audiovisual and radio producers, deserving of the awards granted by the UNEAC, stand out as inescapable references of the creative avant-garde and several of them hold National Awards in their respective specialties for the work of life.


The requirements and specifics of each call are available in the sitio web institucional de la Uneac.



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