Less cases of COVID-19, more responsibility in Artemisa

Add the information that Bahía Honda, San Cristóbal, Guanajay, Caimito and Alquízar concentrate 64 percent of autochthonous cases in the aforementioned period, nine municipalities decrease and only Alquízar increases positivity.

Gladys Martínez Verdecia, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, in a meeting of the Provincial Temporary Work Group with the municipal structures by video conference this Tuesday, said that the decrease in positivity must be assumed with a responsible attitude.

Martínez Verdecia stressed that there are people on the street without a face mask, which should not be admitted and she called for them to confront indiscipline with the required rigor.

Yamina Duarte Duarte, Deputy Governor of Artemisa, drew attention to the municipalities that send few PCR samples to Mariel's molecular biology laboratory (there are no samples left to examine), especially those that still show high positivity.

Faced with this situation, she insisted on the need to study 100 percent of the suspected population or with symptoms of the disease and maintain active surveillance.

For her part, Yanelis Amador Borrego, director of Health in the territory, reported that due to the decrease in cases, it was decided to hand over all school institutions that function as isolation centers, for which it was oriented not to enter new cases.

He added that discounting schools and hospitals, the province would have 545 beds for low-risk patients, but at least 600 are required since 599 are currently occupied, a figure that must be completed, if necessary, with the activation of the facilities of camping La Caridad and La Chorrera.

Amador Borrego emphasized that isolation centers that continue to be active must have the necessary medical personnel to take advantage of all available capacities.

Taken from artemisadiario


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