Special Education

Who are we? 

Special Education is a family of educators who teach in an enriched way with the use of supports and resources: children, adolescents and young people with special educational needs in any context. We are capable of transforming -with the support of families, agents and agencies- the possibilities of each of the students to achieve their social inclusion. 

What do we do? 

We provide educational care to children, adolescents and young people with special instructive needs in 13 educational institutions: 11 serve students with intellectual disabilities,1 serves students with conduct disorder, 1 is home for children without family protection. It offers care for minors from 7 to 18 years of age.We have 11 diagnostic and orientation centers.The mission is to guarantee the diagnostic process with a preventive approach;they attend a total of 3446 children with special educational needs. 

Where are we going? 

We aim at the achievement of the maximum possible comprehensive development of people with special educational needs, associated or not with disabilities in any context. This must allow them to face their social inclusion at various levels of independence in accordance with the purpose and objectives of each educational level