Professional Technical Education


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We are a new province, with new challenges, aimed at scientifically directing the initial and continuous training of the qualified mid-level workforce; as well as the certification of knowledge and training for the population; through the integration of educational institution - labor entity; as a dynamic subsystem of the economic and social development of the country; to fulfill the aim of our education; and to train a middle-level, patriotic, comprehensive, competent and broad-profile professional who fully integrates into society; and is an active agent of its improvement. 

We have a total of 25 centers, 7 mixed centers, 1 IPA, 9 IPOL and 8 trade schools; distributed in the 11 municipalities that make up our young Artemisa. The school network has been organized in correspondence with the characteristics of each territory; depending on its potentialities, and the demands of a qualified workforce; including the non-state sector, which means 57 specialties, 30 of which are middle technicians that have been demanded by the Ministry of Labor and 27 other skilled workers; for the interest of creating trades that cover the deficiencies of the municipalities. 

In order to achieve a prepared technical teaching coverage that guarantees the training of a qualified labor force (for the economic development of our country); a pedagogical school has been created for the training of teachers of ETP. It is located in Alquízar municipality for the specialties: Mechanics, Informatics and Agriculture; with the growing challenge of increasing others; as conditions are created and taking into account teaching priorities. 

Responding to the guidelines of the economic and social policy of the Party and the Revolution, approved in the VI Congress of the PCC; our education establishes the training of the population sector that is developed in three cycles corresponding to:

Several courses have been accredited, approved and certified in the specialties: of Crafts, Commerce, Gastronomy, Refrigeration, Agriculture, Livestock, Computing, Electricity, Construction, Mechanics, Accounting. The latter is being of very good acceptance in the population.Other tasks and activities that we develop are the skills’planned contest in the months March-April, the open doors and the Agricultural Fair; among others aimed at promoting vocational training and professional orientation for students. 

We intend to meet the objective of education:

Form a graduate with:

  1. General culture and be a comprehensive professional technician.
  2. Commitment and unconditionally with the Revolution.
  3. Values: patriotism, human solidarity, collectivism, hardworking, discipline, independence and creativity.
  4. Broad and flexible command of a professional model.
  5. Ability to insert into the country's socioeconomic life and be an agent of change.
  6. Behavior according to the ethics that govern the profession.
  7. Preparation to carry out tasks and occupations of constantly changing jobs. 

Under the principles of:

  1. General cultural character and comprehensive professional technician.
  2. Productive social and economic character.
  3. Contextualized, differentiated, diversified and anticipated character.
  4. Integrative character of the polytechnic school - work entity - community relationship.
  5. Leading character of the student in the process of training; as well as in the student group and workforce. 

Our priorities:

  1. The direction of the STPI, based on the exemplary nature of the teachers andtheir influence on the family, specialists from work entities and students (preventive, educational and values ??work).
  2. The leading role of FEEM and SNTECD, under the leadership of the PCC, to jointly face the problems of the center.
  3. The improvement of managers, specialists and teachers: those with general training towards the professionalization of content; and those with technical training; through retraining in work entities and universities.
  4. The FVOP to ensure that students enter the top three options in the ETP.
  5. The link with labor entities to ensure the professional training of students.
  6. The management of the methodological work system with particular attention to practical teaching.
  7. Development of research projects on essential ETP processes that contribute to the quality of the graduate.
  8. Training for the population with emphasis on the non-state sector and young people.
  9. Advice and control of the operation of the training centers and CPT.
  10. Treatment of processes and efficiency indicators in ETP.
  11. Attention to improvement in ETP. 

IMPACT: The Transformation of the polytechnic school in its integration with the labor entity; the preparation of managers, teachers and specialists of the labor entities; the quality of the direction of methodological work; the teachers’ training and the continuous improvement of those who are in exercise; the improvement of TM and OC learning; and the quality of ETP graduate. 


  1. Maintain a constant interest in overcoming and especially in self-improvement.
  2. Have a high spirit of combativeness and aggressiveness in seeking solutions immediately, not letting problems accumulate.
  3. Take time to think and be profound when facing any task.
  4. Find multiple alternatives to each problem.
  5. Enforce what corresponds to everyone, eradicate paternalism and do not allow subordinates to fail us or fail tasks that are necessary.
  6. Have the ability to criticize and educate while criticizing.
  7. Enforce the word that as cadres or officials we propose and promise to .our teachers, specialists, students, families and especially before the population.
  8. Sow encouragement, optimism, and passion for the things we do to obtain good results.
  9. Spend more time collaborating than hindering what is being done.
  10. Maintain a permanent link with the base.
  11. Let us all inculcate that each task assigned to us must be carried to the end.
  12. Each task must be studied, analyzed, seek all possible information, design how to face it, organize it, plan it, develop it and control it that is the key to success.
  13. Do not wait until they are telling us what to do.
  14. Not having a defeatist spirit, regardless the problem it is.
  15. Possess a culture to accept criticism without any complex.
  16. Face the problems of the population and have it as a daily habit.
  17. Ask everything that may constitute a doubt, we must maintain constant communication.
  18. Plan according to the priorities of the MINED, the DPE, DME and the school.
  19. Be systematic and have statistical control of the area that you lead.
  20. It is necessary to maintain a confrontation against the illegalities.
  21. Learn about economics to contribute to internal control.
  22. Consolidate teamwork based on discipline, achieving communication, empathy, trust, ability to listen, willingness to contribute and respect among colleagues.
  23. Manage to motivate all those who are with us, insist on the quality of what we do, go into the details of the processes and, avoid tolerance and negligence.
  24. Take advantage of this historic moment that we are living, the VII Congress of our Party, the legacy that our Historic Leader left us, the commitment signed to make the concept of Revolution a reality and the phrase:“I am Fidel”; as a source of inspiration to mobilize the executives, teachers, specialists, families and students of the ETP around our Glorious Party and making our Revolution eternal. 

What interests us?

"… what interests us is not only to train technicians, but integral technicians, better citizens. And that if we have the urgency of technicians, it will always be more urgent to form true men, to train patriots, to train revolutionaries".

Fidel Castro. 

Speech given at the graduation ceremony of the first 425 technicians of the Council of the Technological Education Plan for soils, fertilizers and livestock. Havana, December 18th, 1966.