Pre-Olympic of the Americas: With the blow of the wrists, Venezuela defeats Cuba in the opening match

The Venezuelan team fired three homers to beat the Cuba team 6-5 at the West Palm Beaches Ballpark, in the opening match of key B of the Americas Pre-Olympic Tournament.

Armando Ferrer's troop came out onto the playing field with a different attitude from previous events and gave us a nice ball game, but once again the offense failed at key moments of the game and mental errors were made on the grass.

The Morochos took the initiative from the very first episode when their fifth club and designated hitter Carlos Pérez lost the ball to right-hander Lázaro Blanco with two runners on the pads. The "Horse" had a tournament start to oblivion by bowling to two opponents and supporting a couple of hits in that inning, where he had to spend an extra shot.

Perez, who played four major league seasons without penalty or glory, thus coined the power he had demonstrated a few days ago when he hit a pair of homers in a preparatory tournament, and gave his team an advantage that seemed sufficient considering the little offense shown by Cubans in recent international events.

However, the nationals, showing a new face in the batting box, shook the Venezuelan starter Aníbal Sánchez (veteran of 15 seasons in the Major Leagues) in the first two chapters to the point of hitting him five singles, but without managing to manufacture any touchdown.

A suicidal move by the Antillean third-rate coach by sending Yadil Mujica to the plate with the adverse score and a rolata that served as a double kill for the forward man Roel Santos with congested bags, prevented the Cuban races.

Blanco, without the support of his cavalry, went to the showers without being able to conclude the fourth section after tolerating a race one inning earlier by a booster rocket from Pérez himself, leaving two runners on bases for a triple and a ticket, but the capital's Brayan Chi , managed to keep the doors of the home plate closed.

In the lower part of that episode, the Cuban army was finally able to put a number on the house when the shortstop Erisbel Arruebarrera did not disappoint the confidence that his directing body gave him and a full-blown blow was sounded with a partner on bases to put Cuba in. in the game and break a negative streak of the national teams of 123 times at bat without hitting extra-base hits in international tournaments.

Motivated by an effective relief from Andy Rodríguez, the troop of the four letters took the pitcher Sánchez out of the box, closing the fifth chapter. A pitch to Santos and a Tugger from Mujica closed the scoring, but the men of force in the alienation Alfredo Despaigne and Frederich Cepeda failed before two situational relievers.

A solitary home run by Hernán Pérez in the sixth against the industrialist and another by Robinson Chirinos at the expense of the shipments of the left-handed Liván Moinelo in the eighth inning, allowed the “Red Wine” to secure the victory in this first presentation in the tournament and take an important step in their aspirations to be present in the Super Round of this pre-Olympic of the Americas

However, when it came to picking up the bats and balls, the slugger Lisbán Correa, wielding pinch-hitter, connected a huge blow down the left wing with a man in circulation, to give the reason to thousands of fans who cheered for him to line up as regular. in this match.

Performance of the Cubans


Roel Santos (2-0, DB. BB)

Yadil Mujica (4-1, 2B, CI, A)

Yordanis Samón (3-1, 2BB)

Alfredo Despaigne (4-1)

Frederich Cepeda (3-0. K)

Yadir Drake (4-0, K)

Yosvani Alarcón (4-2, K)

Erisbel Arruebarrena (4-2, HR, 2CI, 1A)

Dayán Garcia (3-1, K)

Raico Santos (0-0, BB)

Guillermo Aviles (1-1)

Lisbán Correa (1-1, HR, CI, A)

Rafael Viñales (1-0)

Pitching Lázaro Blanco (3.2 EL, 5H, 4CL, 5K, 4BB)

Brayan Chi (0.2 EL, 2H, 1BB)

Andy Rodriguez (2EL, 3H, 1CL)

Liván Moinelo (1.2 EL, 1H, 1CL, 2K, 2BB)

Raidel Martínez (1EL, 1H)