Cuba: What will the return to the classroom be like?

The top managers of all educational levels indicated as key to the beginning of the face-to-face classes the realization of a diagnosis of each student, which will allow to know the knowledge and learning deficiencies.

How many long to return to the classroom and spend time with their classmates? Many have been the efforts of families and teachers so that the youngest at home do not totally disengage from the school process in these times of pandemic. In this endeavor, television classes were fundamental, as well as other more individual initiatives. The time is approaching to confirm how much has been accomplished and what remains to be done.

Taking into account the behavior of the epidemiological situation and the vaccination scheme designed in the country, it is planned to return to classes in person and conclude the current school year. For this they contemplate three scenarios: the favorable one, for those territories that have not stopped and that close on July 23 to start the 1st. September 2021-2022.

A second, less favorable scenario contemplates restarting between June and July (they will have more than 19 weeks), they will close on January 22, 2022 and will begin the next school period on January 31; while the territories with the greatest damage will restart on the 1st. September, they will close on January 22, 2022 (19 weeks) and will begin the next course on January 31.

During a press conference, the top executives of all educational levels pointed out as a key to the beginning of the face-to-face classes the realization of a diagnosis of each student, through systematic evaluations that will be carried out by the teachers themselves, which will allow to know the knowledge and deficiencies in learning.

"But they will not only focus on the cognitive, but on the emotional and motivational, taking into account the period that we have lived of social distancing," explained Zulima Lobaina Olazabal, director of Primary Education of the Ministry of Education (Mined).

"As for the evaluation, which has been a concern of students and families, it will not be applied without first having worked in person on the contents that constitute the essential elements in each grade, year and subjects," she stressed.

Regarding the 1st. She explained that the basic objectives will be worked on: «It is not necessary that the student has to overcome them, since she has a continuity in 2nd. Primary Education allows you to go from one grade to another always with an efficient pedagogical delivery, so that the next teacher knows the difficulties that the student brings and on which it is necessary to work.

«In the case of 6th. grade, which is terminal, the student must have expired the objectives of the educational level; For this reason, a detailed diagnosis will be necessary for the pedagogical delivery to basic secondary school, ”she argued.

Wounds from the pandemic

The country has a strength, which are the more than 200 diagnosis and guidance centers, with about a thousand specialists, who will be focused on schools to provide support, not only to students who have special educational needs (as usual) , but also those who identify with learning difficulties, also encompassing the family and teachers in front of the classroom.

Beatriz Roque Morales, director of Special Education at Mined, assured that the more than 32,000 students enrolled in these centers will find a different school, which will work according to the contexts in each territory and characteristics that the epidemiological situation imposed, “but it will be Above all, safe, calm and with the benefits that she always offers to these students and their families, ”he pointed out.

Adalberto Revilla Vega, director of the Mined Basic Secondary School, explained that the continuity of studies for the more than 96,000 students who complete the 9th. degree is guaranteed with a plan of 101 000 places.

«The process will be carried out during the 19 weeks of face-to-face classes with all the steps that are established. As usual, the ladder will be designed with the notes of 7th. and 8th. degrees. The position they obtain will depend on their academic performance, ”he stressed.

In the case of the vocational pre-university institutes of exact sciences (Ipvce), he specified that entrance exams will not be carried out and a municipal ranking will be drawn up from the grades of 7th. and 8th. degrees. Interviews will also be carried out for high school students with additional requirements.

The ETP and its practical classes

Promote the diagnosis of all students in the first week; use 14 weeks to systematize the content taught and treat the new ones, as well as use four weeks to carry out the evaluations (two for final evaluations, one for revaluation and one for extraordinary ones), is the plan that Professional Technical Education has (ETP) for the resumption of the school period.

Regarding the school organization, Alexander Manso Díaz, director of ETP in the Mined, specified that the students of 1st. and 2nd. years of Middle Technician and 1st. Qualified Laborers will attend school from Monday to Friday (one class session and another will be linked to impact tasks). Meanwhile, the rest of the years in each education they will go to school three days a week and two days will be inserted in the labor entities.

«Systematic evaluations will be maintained for all years of study for 17 weeks; Practices will be held for two days in the labor entities and in the three days that students attend school they will receive and systematize content and prepare for the exam to obtain the worker qualification. Weeks 18 and 19 will be used for the preparation of this exam, its completion and graduation, "he said.

Manso Díaz explained that in 2022 there will be two graduations of the Medium Technician specialties: «Pre-professional practices of 4th. year (current 3rd year) will be developed from January to March, the month in which they will also graduate; while those of 3rd. year (current 2nd year) will be the first to graduate with three years of training in July 2022.

Pre details

The country has 398 pre-university institutes, of these 57 have continued to operate due to the favorable epidemiological conditions in their territories, which will culminate in July and begin the 2021-2022 school year in September. But that reality is not the same for the rest, who will have to resume on the 1st. September and culminate in January.

However, the entrance exams to Higher Education will be carried out in a single edition, in February. Those who finish before, will keep reviewing. This was explained by Maikel Ortiz Carmona, director of the Mined Pre-university, who also meant that the institutions will adjust the school organization so that in the morning session the 10th grade students receive classes. and 12th. grades and in the afternoon session those of 11th. grade.

«In the last week of November the development of the provincial knowledge competitions will be organized, and exceptionally in the 2020-2021 school year, the condition of loss of requirement in the Ipvce will not be applied.

«From the 1st. In September a week will be used to update the diagnosis of each student, there will be 12 weeks to systematize and teach the content and three weeks will be used to carry out the final evaluations, revaluation and extraordinary, "he pointed out.

Use the tools provided by the 3rd. The improvement of the national education system and the desire to return to the classroom will surely make this new stage a happy period for the school and its students.

Taken from Juventud Rebelde