Mission and functions of Sports Medicine

Artemisa Sports Medicine Center. 

Mission. Guarantee bio-medical and psychological control in high-competition sports, provide specialized care in promoting health to the population and to retired athletes(sports glories of the province). 

To fulfill its mission, the Sports Medicine Center has the following specific functions: 

  1. Guarantee the biomedical and psychological control of high performance and disabled athletes, including Physic.
  2. Contribute to the diagnosis, medical evaluation and control of athletes considered athletic potential in the territory.
  3. Guarantee the nutritional surveillance system in Schools and Academies, including the use of vitamins, nutrients and carbohydrates.
  4. Implement policy for education and anti-doping control, according to the National Program.
  5. Guarantee medical attention to sports events and provincial, national and international training base; according to the sports calendar to be held in the territory.
  6. Guarantee the detraining program for athletes who retire from active sport (for retirees and their families).
  7. Provide specialized attention in health promotion to the population: grandparents' circles, gyms and therapeutic areas. 

Centers to be served:

EIDE “Julio Diaz.”

EPEF “José de la Luz y Caballero.”

San Cristóbal Football Academy.

Multiple Sports Academy, “Stadium July 26th.”