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In Artemisa province the matters of science, technology, innovation and the environment are taken care by the Organizational Unit of Science, Technology, Innovation and Environment; which is part of the structure of the General Directorate of Infrastructure and Investments of the Artemisa Provincial Administration; located in San León farm,  Banana Plan, Artemisa. CP33800. Telephone number: 047-36 6459.

The Department of Science, Technology, Innovation and Environment have the mission of directing the implementation of State and Government policies on scientific, technological and environmental matters; the conservation and rational use of natural resources; for economic and social development and public satisfaction in the territory.

The Directorate is made up of:           

1 Director, 1 Deputy Director, 1 Specialist for Science, Technology and the Environment and 1 Secretary and the Departments of Science, Technology and Innovation, Department of Environmental Regulation and Evaluation, Department of Environment and Department of Management of Bays.

The province has two research institutes, the Grain Research Institute (IIG) and the Tobacco Research Institute (IIT), as well as Basic Scientific-Technological Units (UCTB).

We also have Artemisa University and the Faculty of Medical Sciences, that are inserted into the work of innovation. They are developing projects that involve other economic and service sectors. There are other entities that can support the work of scientific research; such as the Sierra del Rosario Ecological Station and the Soroa-Orchid Botanical Garden.