

The Territorial Book Marketing Enterprise is the state entity, in charge of putting in the hands of the inhabitants, in the provinces Artemisa and Mayabeque; the entire assortment of books and other periodicals, that make up the publishing plans of Cuban publishers. In the same way, the Enterprise develops actions for the promotion of the different themes, addressed by the titles that make up our book inventories; aimed at all ages, especially children and young people, contributing, together with other institutions, to the integral development of culture and knowledge of our society.

The Enterprise has several ways to promote and disseminate, not only the books, but also the complex of activities; that they develop based on their work objectives; through institutions, such as a network of 22 bookstores dedicated to these purposes.


Bookstores Information    
Mun. Telf. Nombre Admin Dir
Artemisa 47363159 Víctor Jara Pedro Luis Díaz López Calle 50 # 2908 e/ 29 y 31
Guanajay 47306535 El cuaderno azul Leyanis Labrada Mtnez Calle 563 # 6301 esq a 70
Mariel 47392504 La Cultura Liuba Fuentes D'Armas Calle 132 # 6703 e/ 67 y 69
Caimito 47319519 Los Pinos nuevos Marlén Mtnez Varona (librera) Ave 41 # 3616 e/ 36 y 38
Bauta 47373545 El Cucalambé Maribel Villavicencio Castillo Calle 251 # 1502 e/ 150 y 152
SAB 47383271 Punto y Coma Susana Pérez Cabrera Ave 41 s/n e/ 56 y 58 
Güira 47424245 John Reed Alicia M. Godoyn Blanco Calle 86 # 9301 esq a 93
Alquízar 47418451 Rubén Mtnez Villena María Cristina López Domínguez Ave 91 # 7805 e/ 78 y 80
S. Cristóbal 48523321 Rafael Ferro Orbel Díaz Concepción Ant. Maceo # 180 e/ Hnos Asunción y Rafael Peña
Candelaria 48598772 Dionisio Chirino Jesús Díaz Glez (librero) Ave 31 e/ 38 y 40
Bahía Honda   La Enciclopedia Marisol Lazo Mtnez Ave 23 # 2825 e/ 28 y 30