It is located on 251 Ave, 21/2 Km. Central Road, Punta Brava, La Lisa, in Havanaprovince. It has an extension of 17,500 square meters of land and made up of 13 cabins. These cabins are on investments for a capacity of 42 people. This facility has a restaurant with a kitchen and a dining hall, two “ranchones”, a cafeteria, a kiosk in Cuban currency  (CUC), two barbecues, a sentry box, a dance hall, a game room, a bathing area made up of a freshwater pool and an audio booth.

The environment of our facility is covered by vegetation, timber and fruit forests. The climate is characterized by being a fairly warm period in some months and, in the months from October to February, a cold climate. The characteristics of the construction are masonry walls with an antique structure, plate and gutter-tile roofs, tile floors, and windows made of wood and glass.