Legal norms that regulate the new exchange market in Cuba are published

The Official Gazette published this Wednesday in an extraordinary edition the legal norms that regulate the measures announced at the Round Table by the Minister of Economy and Planning and the Minister President of the Central Bank of Cuba on the exchange market.

Number 46 of the Official Gazette includes Decree Law-63 of 2022 "On Updating Exchange Rates"; Resolution 126 of 2022 of the Central Bank of Cuba, which provides that the BCC determines the exchange rates of the Cuban peso against foreign currencies, and Resolution 127 of 2022, also of the Central Bank of Cuba, which establishes that bank branches and Exchange Houses S.A. (CADECA S.A.) designated purchase foreign currencies authorized by the BCC, applying a new official exchange rate in relation to the Cuban peso.

Gaceta Oficial No.46, edición Extraordinaria, del 3 de agosto de 2022 (309 kB)