Cuba defeats the Dominican Republic and goes undefeated in the Caribbean Little Leagues of baseball

In the second game of the day for Cuba in the Caribbean Little League tournament, the Santa Clara under 12 team beat the tough Dominican Republic A and virtually secured a spot in the semifinals

The Creoles defeated the locals 4-2, in a game that fulfilled the expectations of a great rivalry, but in which Cuba did not lose the advantage achieved from the very first inning.

Solid pitching from starter Cristian Aguilera for three and a third innings, along with the quality of relief from Erick Fernández, left the Dominicans with only three hits. In turn, the two hits by William Álvarez, the good baserunning of Andy Sarduy and the opportunity of Gean Carlos Herrera, combined for success.

After tying in the second inning, the Dominican discount came in the fifth inning, but in the end the hermetic Cuban defense and the dominance of the relief pitcher cut off any threat. In short, Cuba got five hits and made no mistakes.

"I prepared myself for the at-bat and waited for a hit ball, that's what they threw at me and the hit came," said Gean Carlos.

Meanwhile, reliever Erick Fernández, ultimately the winner of the game, confirmed the tension of the challenge, but reiterated that Cuba arrived very well prepared. "I had a three-strikeout inning and that made me very happy. In the end we beat a team that has very good players," he said.

After this day of double game that leaves the Greater Antilles as the leader of its key, ours will repeat this Thursday clash against Dominican Republic A. A success would ensure them the top of the group.