Plenary of the PCC: Accompany the solutions and not the obstacles

Almost 29,000 Artemiseños are incorporated into Self-Employment (TCP), in addition to non-state work in the province some 170 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and five Non-Agricultural Cooperatives (CNA), which must -from of its proper functioning and progress-stimulate the updating of the Cuban economic model and therefore contribute to the well-being and popular satisfaction, a topic that was analyzed by the Plenary Session of the Party Committee, this Friday with guests from the industry.

Identifying the problems that still affect the development of the new actors, specifying the approved directives at the municipal level and promoting the preparation of those who are on either side of the TCP, CNA or MSMEs, are priorities of the Party's work system, which It includes exchanges and tours related to non-state workers, together with the UJC, the CTC and other organizations in the province, explained Gladys Martínez Verdecia, First Secretary of the Party in the province.

"We have found many initiatives, talent and desire to do, along with many obstacles and many difficulties, resolved -most of them- with will and follow-up on concerns, without letting the poorly done or the dissatisfactions accumulate," explained the also member of the Political Bureau.

Meanwhile, she called for us not to tire of accompanying solutions, and sitting at the same table with those who can create alliances as suppliers, in favor of the productive chain, and bring services closer to the people of Artemis.

The dichotomies between the purchase of inputs and raw materials abroad, or in the domestic market by MLC, delays in accounts receivable or payable through the banking system, the bureaucracies of other agencies in delays with permits, among other dissatisfactions of the new economic actors, were presented by Misael Tamayo Vázquez, head of the medium-sized company REMFRI.

His team has examples of social contribution in Mariel, his municipality, and in others, since they have worked on solving problems, especially in the installation of climates in health centers, without a solution by the Socialist State Company, hence the claim that the concept of company is a reality and not a chimera in certain government decisions, he said.

These forms of non-state management are an important source of employment, where we must go to grow in union affiliation, and the incorporation of its vanguard to the core of the Party and the communist youth, these being essential spaces to pour out their criteria and unite forces, explained Alexander Valdés Valdés, a member of the Provincial Bureau of the Party.

The Plenary, in addition, learned about the work in the 38 vulnerable neighborhoods, where actions are carried out for more than 8 million pesos from the State budget, scenarios, in which families are cared for individually, and some 70 Social Workers and more than 300 young people.


Taken from artemisadiario