Student look at the code of plurality

More than 30,000 students and about 10,000 teachers from Secondary School and Middle School participated in Artemisa in the Popular Consultation of the Family Code during the months of February to April of this year.

"The process was characterized by promoting open spaces for debate, exchange of ideas and experiences, from whose dialogue emerged 32 proposals and modifications by the student body," said Andiel Bioty Morales, president of the Student Federation of Secondary Education (FEEM).

“In order to guarantee the efficiency and transparency of this process, the FEEM and the Provincial Directorate of Education were in charge of preparing each of the base structures.

«In the task, he highlighted the work of our student leaders and jurists, many of them with family relationships among the student body, who used infographics, audiovisuals, podcasts to make the project more understandable.

«Promoting the use of the tabloid of the Family Code Project, in the different formats, as well as encouraging the necessary analyzes from the Reflection and Debate Turns, will be part of the actions carried out by the student body as important collaborators, now in the process of referendum," said Bioty Morales.


Taken from MINSAP