Closing part of the day June 30 at 12 at night

At the close of yesterday, June 30, a total of 315 patients are admitted, 196 suspects and 119 confirmed active.

On the day in Cuba for COVID-19, a total of 2,430 samples were carried out for surveillance, with 22 being positive. The country accumulates 13,964,854 samples carried out and 1 million 106 thousand 045 positives.

Of the total cases (22): 16 were contacts of confirmed cases, 4 with a source of infection abroad and 2 without a specified source of infection. Of the 22 diagnosed cases, 12 were female and 10 male.

Two asymptomatic cases (9.1%) are reported, accumulating a total of 147,059, which represents 13.3% of those confirmed to date.

The 22 diagnosed cases belong to the age groups: under 20 years old (9), from 20 to 39 years old (7), from 40 to 59 years old (4), and 60 years old and over (2).

Residence by province and municipality of confirmed cases:

Artemis: 2 cases

  • Güira de Melena: 1 (contact of confirmed cases) Mariel: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Havana: 7 cases

  • Arroyo Naranjo: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases)
  • San Miguel del Padrón: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases)
  • Eastern Havana: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Beach: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Hill: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Massacres: 5 cases

  • Santa Cruz del Norte: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases)

Massacres: 5 cases

  • Massacres: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases)
  • Jagüey Grande: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Cárdenas: 2 (imported)

Cienfuegos: 1 case

  •  Cumanayagua: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Sancti Spiritus: 1 case

  •  Yaguajay: 1 (no specified source of infection)

Camaguey: 2 cases

  • Camagüey: 2 (1 imported and 1 without a specified source of infection)

Holguin: 1 case

  •  Urban Noris: 1 (imported)

Isle of Youth Special Municipality: 1 case (contact of confirmed cases)

Of the 106,045 million patients diagnosed with the disease, 119 remain hospitalized, 117 of them with stable clinical evolution. There are 8,529 deaths (0 on the day), a lethality of 0.77% vs 1.15% in the world and 1.69% in the Americas; two evacuated and 57 returned to their countries. On the day there were 22 discharges, accumulated 1 million 097 thousand 338 (99.2%). Two confirmed patients are treated in Intensive Care, including 1 critical patient and 1 confirmed serious patient. .

Taking from MINSAP