Fina's love remained in Bauta

There, in the neighborhood behind the stars, where poets have that luminous and invincible library that Borges spoke of when he imagined Paradise, remains the immortality of the poetess and essayist Fina García-Marruz, who until very recently was the most important living Cuban writer among all

Fina leaves an enviable record of service in favor of the letters and culture of her country, a legacy of authenticity and beauty that should not be forgotten by laziness or the passage of time, as has happened with other greats who preceded her and today his books seem to have been lost deep in some dark path.

I don't think –and we should never admit it- that this woman's work will dry up with the passing of the years. Quite the contrary. Due to that fruitful grace that usually accompanies several of our most accurate authors, Dulce María Loynaz and Carilda Oliver at their head, Fina's imprint is destined to stay alive over time, not as a necessary filler for the great thinker and poet who was her husband, Cintio Vitier, but as a great author herself.

I remember several years ago, at a meeting of the Orígenes Workshop in Bauta, a controversy, somewhat inconsequential, but vaporous, around which of the two authors, Cintio or Fina, had a more far-reaching lyrical work. The contestants did not agree.

But the truth is that Cintio and Fina, united or separated, constituted an ethical and beautiful bastion of that Cuban nature that defends itself from its most sincere honor and its imperfect history.

To Fina, distinguished by such honorable awards as the National Literature, the Pablo Neruda and the Reina Sofía, we must always thank her for having had part of her heart anchored in Bauta, where her literary stature grew within the Orígenes group, commanded by the priest and poet Ángel Gaztelu Gorriti.

The author of books such as Credits of Charlot, Havana of the Center and The rare moment returned to that beloved Bauta, where the organizers of the Taller Orígenes received her with all the poise that her simplicity and greatness deserved, with all the recognition that inspired her substantial evocation of those great ones who accompanied her in the baptismal adventure of Orígenes, such as her husband Cintio, Eliseo Diego, Mariano Rodriguez, José Lezama Lima...

La autora de libros como Créditos de Charlot, Habana del Centro y El instante raro volvió a ese Bauta querido, donde los organizadores del Taller Orígenes la recibieron con toda la prestancia que merecían su sencillez y su grandeza, con todo el reconocimiento que inspiraba su enjundiosa evocación de aquellos grandes que la acompañaron en la aventura bautense de Orígenes, como su esposo Cintio, Eliseo Diego, Mariano Rodriguez, José Lezama Lima…

Almost on the verge of reaching a century of life, at the age of 99, the writer left who was also the mother of talents and who, feeling the closeness of other humans, gave the sweetest smile or was carried away by the jokes of those who admired and respected her as what she perhaps never aspired to obtain: the most thunderous applause from critics, readers and compatriots alike.

Taken from artemisadiario