Discover the opportunities in your municipality

It is necessary to unleash the capacity to undertake initiatives, in the production of construction materials, food and natural drugs, in taking advantage of every opportunity to boost the community and municipal economy. The development begins here communication strategy coincides with this, recently launched in Artemisa.

Melisa Pérez Ruiz, coordinator of the national team of the campaign promoted by the Center for Local and Community Development (CEDEL), alluded to the objective of making those who make decisions in the municipalities aware of the urgency of promoting development from within.

Political and mass organizations, educational centers and agencies, have to connect ideas in order to improve joint work and promote the development projects of their municipality, in order to provide goods, supplies and services to raise the quality of life of citizens.

Israel López, in charge of the task in the main city, revealed that Artemisa was one of the eight municipalities selected to launch the campaign throughout the country and, even though it does not reach expectations, it has 55 projects under implementation: 31 financed by international collaboration, six with cooperative funds, eight with own funds, two included in the economy plan and eight financed with the 1% contribution to development.

"The launch also seeks to unify criteria and knowledge, unite dispersed actors, as well as foster the desire to know details of the territory," he emphasized.

After the dissemination stage, which includes forums in neighborhoods and communities and outreach to schools, there will be a national workshop with the participation of communicators and journalists, a local development fair and a national meeting of local authorities.


Taken from artemisadiario