Closing part of the day May 26 at 12 at night


At the close of yesterday, May 26, a total of 1,302 patients were admitted, 1,066 suspected, 30 under surveillance and 206 confirmed active.

For COVID-19, a total of 4,947 samples were taken for surveillance on the day, with 45 being positive. The country has accumulated 13,847,078 samples taken and 1,105,181 positives.

Of the total cases (45): 37 were contacts of confirmed cases, 2 with a source of infection abroad and 6 without a specified source of infection. Of the 45 diagnosed cases, 23 were female and 22 male.

Five asymptomatic cases (11.1%) were reported, accumulating a total of 146,948, which represents 13.3% of those confirmed to date.

The 45 diagnosed cases belong to the age groups: under 20 years old (18), 20 to 39 years old (12), 40 to 59 years old (6) and over 60 (9).


Residence by province and municipality of confirmed cases:

Pinar del Rio: 1 case

  • Los Palacios: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Artemis: 3 cases

  • Artemisa: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Bauta: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • San Cristóbal: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Havana: 4 cases

  • Beach: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Revolution Square: 3 (2 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 imported)

Mayabeque: 3 cases

  •  Güines: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Nueva Paz: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • San José de las Lajas: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Massacres: 4 cases

  • Cárdenas: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases) Massacres: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases)

Cienfuegos: 2 cases

  • Abreus: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Rhodes: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Villa Clara: 3 cases

  • Camajuaní: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Placetas: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Ranchuelo: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Sancti Spiritus: 7 cases

  • Cabaiguán: 3 (contacts of confirmed cases)
  • Sancti Spíritus: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Yaguajay: 3 (1 contact of confirmed cases and 2 without a specified source of infection)

Ciego de Avila: 4 cases

  • Florence: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases)
  • Morón: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases)

Camaguey: 2 cases

  • Céspedes: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Mines: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Las Tunas: 1 case

  • Puerto Padre: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)

Holguin: 5 cases

  •  Cacocum: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
  • Holguín: 4 (1 contact of confirmed cases and 3 without a specified source of infection)

Granma: 1 case

  • Bayamo: 1 (imported)

Guantanamo: 1 case

  • Guantánamo: 1 (no specified source of infection)

Isle of Youth Special Municipality: 4 cases (contacts of confirmed cases)+

Of the 105,181 million patients diagnosed with the disease, 206 remain hospitalized, 203 of them with stable clinical evolution. There are 8,529 deaths (no deaths are reported on the day), lethality of 0.77% vs 1.19% in the world and 1.75% in the Americas; two evacuees, 57 returned to their countries, on the day there were 51 discharges, they accumulate 1 million 096 thousand 387 (99.2%). 3 confirmed serious patients are treated in Intensive Care.

Until May 26, 193 countries and 40 territories with cases of COVID-19 are reported in the world, rising to 529 million 940 thousand 983 the number of confirmed cases (+ 666 thousand 460) with respect to the previous report with 23 million 207 thousand 517 cases active and 6 million 306 thousand 917 deceased (+ 2 thousand 357) for a lethality of 1.19% (=).

In the region of the Americas, 158 million 476 thousand 051 confirmed cases (+ 234 thousand 645) are reported, 29.9% of the total cases reported in the world, with 6 million 758 thousand 801 active cases and 2 million 770 thousand 460 deaths (+ 1 thousand 239) for a lethality of 1.75% (=).

Taken from MINSAP