Día mundial del medio ambiente.

El 5 de junio se celebra el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, establecido por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en 1972, coincidiendo con la primera cumbre mundial sobre medio ambiente: la Conferencia de Estocolmo sobre el Medio Ambiente Humano. Con el objetivo de aumentar la conciencia medioambiental y fomentar la acción global en la protección del medio ambiente.

Presenting the main results achieved in fulfillment of its functions and work objectives, which ensure control and management in the implementation of policies in matters of Science, Technology, Innovation and Environment in the Province, holds its 2019 work summary meeting.

The Balance was chaired by the Vice Minister of Science, Technology, Innovation and Environment: Adianes Fernández Taboada and the Deputy Governor: Dr. Yamina Duarte Duarte.

The Science Directorate opened the debate on the projections, challenges and achievements. The territorial programs and projects of the Province were discussed; in order to undertake the new science policies with other institutions, entities and services. Artemisa University has played a fundamental and important role in collaboration, as part of the implementation of research projects in the Province and the social sciences. Progress was appreciated, although there are key areas of production and services that require greater agility in identifying and applying the results. It is important to highlight other centers that have contributed to economic and social development with satisfactory results; such as the Fruit-Based Technological Scientific Unit; which received special recognition from the Captain of Frigate Juana MaríaRemigio Carballo, who makes projects compatible –when it is required- for the Defense of the Province.

The actions derived from the environmental strategy of the Province were complied with; acting in accordance with the application of the instruments of environmental policy and management. It was possible to comply with 100% of the planned actions -aimed at adapting and mitigating the effects of climate change, Life-Task. Hence, regarding compliance with the actions in a short term and the complete recovery of the southern beaches of the Province is expected: Cajío, Guanímar and Majana for their characteristics and the elevation of the sea level on the south coast.


The Provincial Science, Technology, Innovation and Environment Directorate of Provincial Administration Council is pleased to summon researchers, authorities, educators, specialists, managers, businessmen, professionals, producers and others to participate in the ”Workshop on lessons learned about the results in the implementation of State-Plan to confront climate change in Artemisa Province;” to be held on February 27th, 2020.


Exchange on the progress of State-Plan implementation to confront climate change; fostering a space for scientific and academic debate that allows us to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and control of the provincial schedule at the end of a short period (2017-2020).

Delivery date: For oral presentations and posters, from January 3rd to February 13th, 2020 in PDF or PWP format. 

In its content: The implementation achievements, difficulties and actions to manage their solution will be summarized.