They warn of an increase in forest fires in the country.

The number of forest fires that broke out in the country only from the beginning of last January to these days of the XXV national campaign of the Cuban Forest Guard Corps (CGC) rises to 18.

By provinces, one occurred respectively in Pinar del Río, Mayabeque, Matanzas, Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus, Camagüey and the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud, the Department of fire management reported exclusively to the Cuban News Agency, of the head of the institution.

With 11, the highest amount corresponded to Artemisa, according to their preliminary figures and as a whole they damaged 33.98 hectares, between natural and planted forests.

Although the CGC warned about their early appearance, they appear in the forecasts of its current crusade, which foresees that the months of January and February should contribute the least number of them.

However, the risks may extend into the first quarter, due to the drought and the load of combustible material in the areas, where they must be more intense and spread more quickly, as has been reported in recent years.

The new operation of this type will be until May 31, when the rainy season begins in the country, and the sum of them should be 320, according to official estimates.

The amount in question is equivalent to an average season in correspondence with its intensity, although it is conditioned by the influence of the La Niña-Southern Oscillation event, consisting of a large-scale cooling of the temperature of the ocean surface in the central and southern parts. eastern equatorial Pacific.

In their XXV operation since 1996, they took into account the procedure for their Operational Directorate, their information flow, preventive communication, analysis of the causes of the deflagrations, state of the territorial investigation system, assessment of the flexibility of the delivery of land, stimulation of forces and general schedule.

In 2020 there were 504 fires that damaged 5 thousand 343.68 hectares, at a rate of 10.60 for each of them in the country, which has a National Strategy and Program for the management and management of fire in forests for the period 2018- 2025.

Recent experiences over a decade indicate a trend towards their increase, so it is decisive to manage them within the permissible limits, which allow their decrease and the impacted surfaces.