Transfermóvil's new digital contracting service begins

Within the process of computerization of society, Transfermóvil has played a transcendental role in the last six years, as an option to interact with bank accounts, make payments for public services, manage telecommunications services and make payments in the electronic commerce environment. which promotes and stimulates commercial operations in virtual media.

For this reason, processes such as transactions, payment of the telephone or electricity, recharging of the own card, the Nauta account and the cell phone balance, for more than a million people, have ceased to be a problem of delays between queues and papers. . In addition, it is a facility for users to make purchases in virtual stores, from the comfort of a cell phone or a computer.

As the application and the computerization of society have not ceased to evolve, starting today, Thursday, April 22, “the new Transfermóvil digital contracting service starts as an enabling platform for payments, so that companies and forms of non-state management can manage the collection of their services and products through this payment gateway, without the need to go to the commercial offices of ETECSA to acquire this new service ”.

This was stated by Héctor Luis Mora Hechavarría, Director of Digital Business of the Commercial Vice Presidency of ETECSA, who emphasized that, with this proposal, "delays in the current face-to-face procedures that are carried out between the client, ETECSA, lawyers and banks will be eliminated."

Mora Hechavarría stressed that "this digital contracting will have triple validation and authentication", so it will be almost impossible to bypass security and validation.

"No one will be able to deceive in a digital hiring, because it will be clear that the person who is hiring is who he is," emphasized the specialist.

For this contract it is required that the mobile phone number, from which the contract request is made, matches in the ETECSA databases with the identity card of the person requesting the service or is in the name of the state entity.

In the case of natural persons in your application, you will be asked for the Tax Identification Code NIT, which will be verified to see if you are authorized to practice as a self-employed worker.

Both the natural person and the state entity will be asked for the bank account (s) that will be used to credit the payments, which will be validated that they exist in banking institutions: BPA, BANDEC , BANMET and are associated with the applicant's identity card or on behalf of the institution.

Finally, to complete the application, an email point cu (.cu) will be required, to send the notification of the completion of the hiring process.

For the initial hiring of Transfermóvil as a payment enabling platform, an email address was enabled, which received an incredible number of requests from the non-state sector to contract the service, which demonstrated the necessary and timely nature of this service, as well. such as the security that the non-state sector feels in state institutions.

However, given the situation of the pandemic, the completion of face-to-face applications for this service has been made impossible, which is why this modality of digital contracting arose.

Along with innovation, the Transfermóvil infrastructure continues to be constantly strengthened, as new users are added every day, reaching almost 2 million, which requires significant technological evolution and the acquisition of more equipment for optimal operation. This also means an arduous task for the team of professionals who assist him and which in turn is also growing. Transfermóvil has the strength that to date it has not experienced a computer security vulnerability.